UPDATE May 1st: Enter jordwatches.com/G/aworldfulloffairytales to win a 100$ gift code to be your own wood watch!! The best thing is, EACH and EVERYONE of you will receive a 25$ discount code just by entering the contest! Good luck!!
Standing on the edge of the coast of Big Sur in California feels like reel freedom. Watching sunsets in Venice Beach is my way of regaining strength for the road. Going on a road trip to the Grand Canyon has an incomparable feeling of excitement and adventure. To preserve these memories, I have just printed a few photos of my last trips and travels. I love to create DIY photo books and posters for my apartment in Berlin.

I don’t want to miss a moment on my journeys. Every second counts. Photos are my favourite way to capture every moment, but I also love accessories which fit with this approach of life and remind me to take a breath now and then. Do you have something unique which does that for you? I just got a cool watch which is the perfect accessory for my journey. I fell in love with it when I first saw it online and decided to show it to you with my new polaroids!
JORD make women’s watches and men’s watches out of wood, something I had never seen before. All their watches are hand crafted and the wooden design produces a unique watch. You can choose between 13 different woods for your women’s and men’s watches to get your own unique watch. There are light or dark brown woods and even a purple one. The name of my unique watch is Frankie and it is made of zebra wood with a navy blue clock face. I decided on the blue because it reminds me of blue skies in Los Angeles when I am back in Berlin. Blue is my color, maybe that’s why I’m constantly craving blue skies.
Share it, if you like it!
*in collaboration with JORD