
The travel playlists, Part I (California)

Happy Sunday everyone! From today on I start a new category on my blog which is the ‘The travel playlists’. And no, I don’t want to sing for you (that probably wouldn’t be a good idea). I would rather share my favorite travel songs and playlists with you. Music is very important to me when I’m traveling. I need it in the plane or in the train and especially when I take a road trip. It’s like the soundtrack of a vacation. And over the last few month I created new playlists for different travel occasions and places. You can follow me on Spotfiy – I will update my songs and playlists on a regular basis.

Today I want to start with my favorite place and songs and that’s why this is the California playlist. Enjoy the music!

1. Tired of Being Alone by Al Green

2. You can’t always get what you want by The Rolling Stones

3. Hold the Line by Rod Stewart

4. San Francisco by Scott MacKenzie

5. Confusion by Electric Light Orchestra

6. Summertime Blues by Eddie Cochran

7. California Blue by Roy Orbison

8. Fade Out Lines by The Avenger & Phoebe Killdeer

9. Hotel California by The Eagles

10. 40 Day Dream by Edward Shape & The Magnetic Zero

You can find more California songs in my Spotifiy Playlist!

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